
Showing posts from February, 2020

Website Portfolio

I recently worked hard to design a website portfolio of my best works because I have become interested in photographing concerts. This way when requesting a press/media pass I will look more professional/legit. I have included 35mm, digital, and video work within this website and hope to improve the website over time. The link is here

Film Volume 3 || ShotByAndrew

I shot a roll of HP5 rated at an ASA of 400 at 800 at the recommendation of Nikita the other day at Gunstock while skiing, and honestly, I will probably continue to shoot HP5 rated at 400 at 800. Especially when it is overcast or the tones are flat. What I like about pushing the film a full stop is the contrast that it gave in return. The only sacrifice is that the size of the grain increases, but since I appreciate the look of high contrast, grainy, B&W images it is worth it. In the past when shooting HP5 my negatives have come out very gray, but with pushing the film I'm pretty much forcing contrast into the image which is cool.  The images below range from getting ready to go to the mountain or being on the mountain. 

Film Volume 2 || ShotByAndrew

These photo's complete Film Volume 1. AKA skateboarding in Boston.

Digital Volume 2 || ShotByAndew

On Friday after Midterms I went on a hike with my friend Brendan at Mount Agamenticus in York, ME. At first we hiked just Mount Agamenticus, but on the spot we decided to hike the "Second Hill." Yes the name of the mountain was "Second Hill," mainly because it was a hill, with a whopping 500  ft of vert.  We did talk about how it would be a fun to ski tour up and ski down. We also decided that if either of us were to get a ski touring set up the other would pull the trigger and buy one. So I guess I should start saving now. Here are some digital photo's I took. I also shot 24 photo's of Kodak UltraMax 400 that I need to pay Nikita to develop, so Nikita if you're reading this get ready... in like 2 weeks when I get paid.... Those will be uploaded at some point, so for now enjoy 4 images of Brendan. Credit goes to Cody Blue for use of his Baby Blue Preset pack (FREE) that I used to edit some of them, as well as Lightroom's Vintage Instan...